The Student Life department strives to promote holistic student success. We feel that Spiritual Formation is vital for a healthy and successful life.

My hope, and prayer, is that during your time at Tabor College, you will not only receive training for your mind to help you with your future profession, but you will receive training in your spiritual life as you grow in your walk with Jesus. We have experienced that a life surrendered to Jesus is the path to a successful, fulfilled life. During your time on campus, you’ll have the opportunity to be discipled, serve, grow in your faith, and disciple others. We hope that you’ll leave here truly prepared for a life of learning, work, and service for King Jesus and His kingdom.
–Ryan Lee, Campus Pastor
The Tabor College chapel program is designed to encourage the Tabor community to Be Transformed into intentional & thoughtful followers of Jesus. We create an environment that helps facilitate Christian spiritual growth through times of worship and hearing a message. That message can come in the form of testimonies from fellow students, guest speakers, readings, or our campus pastor Ryan Lee. We hope that students will be able to grasp the transforming love of God in their lives through their time in chapel.
Chapel Podcasts

Student Testimonies
Kayla Ortiz (g’22)

Throughout my childhood I was raised in the Catholic church, I went through communion classes, was baptized at a few months old, and followed the typical Catholic ways. But it never felt right, so we stopped going to church and never fully understood who Jesus was. So, when I got accepted into Tabor I knew it was a community that followed Jesus, but it never caught my attention. Jesus to me was the one I went to in the hard times and that was all he was to me. Starting my Junior year, I lost my grandfather, lost all my friends, all in one month, to say I was alone is an understatement. I then met these amazing girls who saw me in my hard times and decided to reach out, I hung out with them and they started bringing me to SP&D, this is where I felt Jesus for the first time, I felt so alive. My friends would proceed to teach me about Jesus and I started to fall in love with the amazing creator he is, later that year at SP&D the last one of the year I committed my life to Jesus, and that is truly the best day of my life, life was brought into me and I felt so alive. Tabor allowed me to find Jesus and I am forever grateful and blessed for this amazing school and community.
Tobias Stewart (cs)

When I first came to Tabor I already had a relationship with God but it wasn’t as fulfilling as could’ve been. There were things I didn’t have in my life that God wanted to give me, and I had no clue of his full plans until I came here to Tabor. During my time here at Tabor God has given me a multitude of brothers and sisters in Christ that have done nothing but encourage me and help me grow in my faith. I have gotten closer to God and I have grown deeper in my faith because of this little place where God is actively moving. Looking back there is no other place where I would have wanted to have a college experience.